Paul Myrehaug

Paul began his comedy career in Alberta Canada and now is an internationally toured comedian with appearances on television, radio, festivals and world renowned comedy competitions.

Live performances in: Canada, United States, The Caribbean, United Kingdom, Italy, Iraq, Kuwait, Afghanistan, Kosovo, Denmark, Belgium, Switzerland, France, Austria, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia, Australia, Thailand and China make Paul a sharp international performer with a great stage presence and an extremely fun comic to watch.

“Carries the comedy off with a natural flair, in a manner so effortless one might think it was ingrained in his DNA” – The Hindu, India

“Dry, dark but with an irrepressible youthful charm.” – The Toronto Star

“Hilarious Enough to Stand Alone.” – The Seattle Stranger

“Comic Myrehaug Making Waves.” – The Toronto Sun