Matt Kirshen

Making his 8th consecutive trip with Taking the Piste comedy, Matt Kirshen is back for the 2013/14 season, headlining our pre Christmas run of gigs.

You may have also seen him on Last Comic Standing on NBC or Paramount or some other channel in your home country. Or on the World Stands Up, which put out my half hour special. Or Ferguson or Fallon, or on E4’s Rudetube. Or on a few other TV things. His youthful looks disguise a veteran comic with almost a decade of experience, and a wealth of smart, funny and relatable material, making him a firm favourite with college audiences.

Kirshens precision has already earned him an impressive reputation in the UK comedy circuit. His engagingly impish style is shot through with an intelligent and skilful talent that belies his youthful appearance, making him a firm favourite with audiences and fellow comidians alike. With an impressive array of awards and press accolades under his belt.